We are here to help you get answers to your questions about OneSimCard phones and services.

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11. How To Use Questions
    • How can I add airtime to my OneSimCard service?

      In order to add airtime instantly, simply register a credit card with us on our website.

      There are several ways to add airtime to your OneSimCard service.
      Automatic Recharge - recommended:

      1. Just log on to your account at and set auto-recharge in the Recharge Menu. Funds will be added to your account when your balance drops below the threshold you set.

      From the phone using your credit card (Universal, Expedition and eSIM World only):

      1. a) From the phone dial pad dial 098YYYY*XX. Talk. YYYY = Last 4 digits of the credit card used last at YY = Amount from 25 to 99 USD

       For example, if you need to add $50 and the last 4 digits of the credit card registered with us is  8654:
      You would dial 0988654*50 and press TALK. In few seconds you will get a confirmation message with  your new balance.
      * is a star character located on the keypad
      From the phone using 1SIM Fund:
       a) From the phone dialpad dial 098YYYY*XX. Talk. YYYY -  4 digits PIN you created in 1SIM FUND menu. YY Amount from 25 to 99 USD

       For example, if you need to add $50 and the 1SIM FUND PIN is  8654:
      You would dial 0988654*50 and press TALK. In few seconds you will get a confirmation message with  your new balance.
      * is a star character located on the keypad

      From the web interface:

      1. You must log in at each time you wish to add funds.
      2. The minimum recharge amount is US $25.00
      3. Using Recharge PIN purchased from a dealer:

      If you purchased a recharge PIN from OneSimCard Authorized dealer, you can recharge your account from OneSimCard handset from OneSimCard - Add Credit menu. When the Add Credit menu is selected, enter the 10-digit PIN and press the Talk (Send) button. 

12. How To Use Questions
    • How do I check my OneSimCard balance?

      For Universal, Expedition, & eSIM World ONLY: Just dial 099 "Send" from your OneSimCard phone and in few minutes the balance will be displayed on the screen of your phone. Customers with iPhones can use OneSimCard Assist app to check balances and many other things.

      You can always check your current balance by logging onto your OneSimCard account at

13. How To Use Questions
    • Can I use a OneSimCard phone to send an SMS message?

      Of course you can! Simply send and receive SMS texts according to your phone's user manual or from the OneSimCard Menu. Receiving SMS is always free. Sending an SMS (text message) is $0.15 - $1.50 depending on the country.

      SMS messages sent to a OneSimCard phone should always be sent to the main OneSimCard mobile number rather than to an optional Extra Number, with the exception of new SMS enabled numbers in USA, Canada and UK Mobile available since Jun 3rd, 2014. When replying from OneSimCard phone to the SMS received on USA or Canada SMS capable PEN using Europe & More sim or the Expedition SIM, the main number of the SIM that starts with 372 will be displayed on the text receiver phone. With the Universal SIM, you can select what caller ID will be shown on the SMS receiving party phone.

      You can also send SMS messages from OneSim VOIP app at much lower rates. Note: for Physical 3-in-1 Datamax and Damax eSIM all SMS messages MUST be sent through the OneSim VoIP App with PEN.

      You can also send a free SMS message to any OneSimCard customer from our web site or by sending email to, where 372XXXXXXXX is the OneSimCard primary mobile phone number. The maximum number of daily SMS sent to the SIM over email or web is 25.

      Please bear in mind that message should be sent in English characters. In addition, it should not be longer than 160 characters including spaces.

      These 2 options of sending SMS by email provide completely free way of communicating, as it is usually free for you to send the email and costs nothing for the OneSimCard customer to receive a text message.

14. How To Use Questions
    • Can I check my Voice Mail from a phone other than my OneSimCard phone?

      Yes. You can access the Voice Mail from other phones.

      First you need to set up a voicemail password by either calling from your OneSimCard phone or logging in to your account and clicking on the Voicemail link.

      Once the password is set up, you can dial voice mail access number:

      Toll Free access number for customers in the U.S. or Canada to retrieve voicemail for free: 1-866-703-4770

      Local U.S. number for worldwide customers to retrieve voicemail: 1-213-805-2905

      New Online Voicemail Feature: You can now listen to voicemail for free by logging in to your account and clicking on the Voicemail link. There, you can also set voicemail to be emailed to you as an audio file and change passwords and other settings.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: Voicemail messages will be automatically purged from your inbox after one month, so please be sure to save the content of any important messages before they are deleted.
      This does not apply to DataMax SIM cards
15. How To Use Questions
    • What Is the Difference Between "Direct Dial" and "Callback Dial" calling?

      Direct Dial calling allows the caller to enter the international  call prefix, country calling code and telephone number and then be directly connected to the person they are calling. This is how you dial when using your regular mobile service. Direct Dial Calling is standard on the OneSimCard Europe & More, OneSimCard Universal and eSIM.

      Callback calling also allows the caller to enter the international  call prefix, country calling code and telephone number. After the called number is entered, the user immediately receives an incoming call connecting the user to person called. Callback is very simple to use and allows for low cost calling on the OneSimCard Plus and OneSimCard Expedition (formerly Data & Roam). Callback does not increase the connection time. It is the same as with Direct Dial.

16. How To Use Questions
    • Can I forward calls from my OneSimCard phone to another number?

      Yes. Your Universal, Expedition and eSIM World OneSimCard mobile number can currently be forwarded to EU, Canada, USA, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus numbers. It's 100% free to forward your OneSimCard phone number to many countries including to U.S. or Canadian numbers. Forwarding to some countries, as well as to satellite phones, will carry a forwarding charge as listed in the Rates & Coverage page on

      To enable/disable call forwarding from your online account:

      Log in at and go to the My SIM Cards menu. Select your SIM card number and enable/disable Call Forwarding on this screen.

      To enable/disable call forwarding from your phone:

      Dial *146*081*XXXXXXXXXXXXX# and press Send/Talk (where XXXXXXXXXXXXX is the forward-to number in international format: 00+countrycode+number)

      Newer SIM cards use *81* instead of *081*

      Example: to forward to U.S. number 1-617-555-1212, dial *146*081*0016175551212# and press Send/Talk.

      If you get an "Unknown Format?" message, dial *146*81*0016175551212#

      To disable call forwarding, dial *146*080# and press Send/Talk. If you get an "Unknown Format?" message dial *146*80# and press Send/Talk.

17. How To Use Questions
    • There is no OneSimCard Menu (SIM Toolkit) in my Android phone. How can I fix this?

      Some recent Android upgrades to versions 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 have a bug causing the OneSimCard Menu, labeled as SIM Toolkit, to be disabled.

      If you do not see the SIM Toolkit app in your Android phone, please try doing the following:

      Go to Settings>Security>Other Security Settings>Setup SIM Card Lock>Lock SIM Card. It will ask for the default SIM PIN. Enter 0000. Power off the phone and turn it back on. The SIM Toolkit app will then become available, though it might take 1-2 minutes for the phone to display it.

      On Android version 5.1 go to Settings > SIM Cards > SIM Toolkit

      Once you have access to the SIM Toolkit, select it, scroll down to Settings, enter 1101 and press confirm. Your phone will now be able to dial normally.

      For eSIM cards, make certain that your eSIM is enabled.


18. Ordering Questions
    • Do international cell phones purchased from OneSimCard come with a warranty?

      Unless otherwise noted, all phones sold on come with our standard 90-day replacement warranty. This warranty covers any mechanical defects, but does not include damage due to Acts of God, neglect, water damage, or other intentional or unintentional abuses of the phone. OneSimCard does offer extended warranties available for purchase.

19. Troubleshooting Questions
    • What should I do if my OneSimCard phone or SIM card is lost or stolen?

      If your phone or SIM card is lost or stolen and automatic recharge is on, this could be a serious problem.

      To prevent this, log in to your account and activate the option to block your service immediately after you notice your phone or SIM card is missing. You can find this option in the My SIM Cards menu. Your OneSimCard service for this SIM card number will be instantly blocked. The remaining balance on your lost SIM can be transferred to another SIM card on your account or you can order a replacement SIM card if you would like to keep your phone numbers from the lost SIM. However, the existing data package can’t be transferred to the new SIM card.

      Alternatively, you can contact customer service online or call 001-617-313-8888 for assistance.

20. Troubleshooting Questions
    • I am traveling in Saudi Arabia and can receive calls, but I can't make an outgoing call. What should I do?

      Local carriers in Saudi Arabia sometimes block standard OneSimCard outgoing calls. If this happens you need to either (a) enter a compatibility code into the settings of your phone or (b) initiate your call by sending an SMS message from the regular SMS menu (not the OneSimCard menu) of your phone.

      How To Activate Compatibility Mode:

      1. Open "OneSimCard" menu
      2. Select "Settings"
      3. Agree with message by pressing "Yes"
      4. Dial digits "802" and select "OK" (screen will show message "output channel is SMS")

      Bear in mind that if you have powered your telephone down and removed and reinstalled the battery, you will need to follow the programming steps outlined above again.

      How To Deactivate Compatibility Mode:

      1. Open "OneSimCard" menu
      2. Select "Settings"
      3. Agree with message by pressing "Yes"
      4. Dial digits "801" and select "OK" (screen will show message "output channel is USSD")

      How To Dial Without Activating Compatibility Mode:

      Initiate your call by sending an SMS message from the regular SMS menu (not the OneSimCard menu) of your phone.

      To: 9146
      Message: 00 + Country Code + Number + 
      * is a star character located on the keypad

      For example, to call from Saudi Arabia to Boston USA you should go to the SMS menu of the phone and send a message:

      To: 9146
      Message: 0018574440686
      After your SMS is sent wait 3-10 seconds. You will get a callback as usual and your call will be connected to the destination number.

      Note 1: You can't send this SMS from the SMS OneSimCard menu of the phone.

      Note 2: If you see on the screen that the message has not been sent, make sure that SMS settings of your phone is complete and the SMS Center number is set to: +3725099000


      There are no special instructions to receive calls in these countries.

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