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41. OneSim VoIP
    • What are the advantages of using OneSim VoIP?

      The main advantages are significant cost savings and the ability to call from countries where there is no voice roaming coverage available, or for DataMax or DataMax eSIMs

      OneSim VoiP can be used from any Android or Apple ( iOS) device to make international LD calls even when you are not traveling. OneSim VoIP does not require having OneSimCard SIM being installed in the phone. OneSim VoIP can be used with Wi-Fi or 3G/4G - no difference. You just need to have OneSimCard account with the SIM VoIP capable PEN. Calling using OneSim VoIP will cost most of the time less than any other way of calling.

      OneSim VoIP is available with the following SIM cards: Plus, Expedition (formerly Data & Roam),  Europe & More, DataMax, and DataMax eSIM.
42. Ordering Questions
    • Do I need to activate the SIM card when my order is received or purchased from a retail store?

      Yes, you will need to activate the SIM card once the order is received.

      All OneSimCard international SIM cards and international cell phones with SIM cards are shipped inactive to prevent theft and improve security. Only the person who placed the order for OneSimCard service can activate it.

      Activation is very simple: When you receive the SIM, just log in to your account at and click the large Activate button you will see in the middle of the screen.

      Retail Customers: If you purchased your SIM card through an online or brick-and-mortar retail store, you should have received activation instructions inside the product packaging. To activate retail SIM cards, go to enter your new OneSimCard international mobile number and fill out the form to register and activate the SIM card. You will be provided specific instructions on the registration page.

43. Troubleshooting Questions
    • How do I enable roaming on my Android Phone?

      This is very simple! 
      1. Go into your "Settings" app, and choose "Connections"
      2. Click on "Mobile Networks"
      3. Toggle on "International Data Roaming"
      We also created a short video here: to demostrate this.
44. OneSim VoIP
    • What is required to use the OneSim VoIP mobile application?

      OneSimCard VoIP requires you to order a compatible Personal Extra Number (PEN). Most of the PENs we offer are OneSim VoIP enabled. You also need to have an Android phone with software version 8 or higher, or Apple device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) with iOS 6.1 or higher.

      Once you have an active OneSim VoIP enabled PEN, you will be able to see the option to create a OneSim VoIP account in the My SIM Cards menu of your online account. NB: YOU MUST create the 1SIM VoIP account in your account online on the "My SIM Cards" menu. Simply purchasing a PEN and  downloading the mobile app DOES NOT create the VoIP account.

45. Troubleshooting Questions
    • I can't send SMS from my iPhone

      There is a known bug with iPhone phone book. If you are trying to text to a contact that is entered in the phone book, and the contact is not entered in proper international number format, the SMS will not go through even if you just enter the number in the SMS menu directly and properly. 
      Please edit the record in the phone book to be +CountryCode_Number. It needs to have the + character in front, which is an equivalent of 00.

      You will also need to delete all recent attempts to send SMS to this number from the Messaging menu. It should be no conversation or attempts to send SMS left in the phone to this number.

      We understand that this is very frustrating, but do not know why Apple will not fix it. This problem affects only Apple phones.

      Example: for US Number 1-617-600-8250 you should have entered in the address book: +16176008250
      Delete existing text conversation after fixing the phone book record. 
      You can always test your SMS by sending SMS to OneSimCard Support number +16176008250 from your OneSimCard phone. This will create an automated ticket in the system and you will know if the message was delivered or not. You will be charged regular SMS rate for this message.
46. Troubleshooting Questions
    • I just arrived in a foreign country and my phone is not working, what should I do?

      If you left your phone on during your flight or cruise then you should fully power down and restart your phone. Once your phone powers back on it should automatically select an available roaming network.

      If your phone is not a quad-band phone, please make sure that the bands of your phone are those required in the country of your travel. You can look it up here.
      In some countries like in USA turning off 3G mode of the phone will make it quicker for the phone to register on the network.
47. Troubleshooting Questions
    • I have an iPhone and am receiving charges for SMS sent to a UK mobile number 447786205094. Why?

      This is a known issue with Apple's Facetime and iMessage applications on Apple iPhone  devices. We recommend disabling Facetime and iMessage so it will not be able to automatically send SMS to this 447786205094 number. Any SMS sent to this number automatically by your phone can not be refunded by OneSimCard. Additional questions regarding iPhone applications and how they communicate should be directed to Apple Support.
      You can learn more on the Apple Support web site:
48. Rates and Cost Questions
    • Is there a way to send a SMS to a short code number?

      The SIM card does not offer SMS service to short code numbers

      OneSimCard offers special US Phone Numbers working with the SIM or even without SIM which are capable of receiving SMS from Short Codes, like those sent by Banks, Paypal and other institutions as well as replying to short codes SMS using 1SIM VOIP app.
49. OneSim VoIP
    • How do I know if the Personal Extra Number (PEN) I currently have is OneSim VoIP compatible?

      Log in to your OneSimCard account, go to the My Sim Cards menu and scroll down. If your PEN is VoIP compatible you will see an option to create a OneSim VoIP account. At this time all OneSimCard PENs are SIM VOIP capable except for UK Mobile numbers.
50. OneSim VoIP
    • How does OneSim VoIP work when the call is received?

      When someone dials your OneSim VoIP enabled Personal Extra Number (PEN), the system will first check if your OneSimCard phone is registered with the OneSim VoIP app on a Wi-Fi network. If it is registered, the call will be sent using VoIP. If the OneSim VoIP app is not running or it is not registered on a Wi-Fi network, then the call will be sent using the standard OneSimCard roaming network and charged our standard roaming rates.

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