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81. OneSim VoIP
    • Can I call using OneSim VoIP from countries where OneSimCard does not offer roaming coverage?

      Yes. You can call from absolutely anywhere as long as you have a good Wi-Fi connection.
82. OneSim VoIP
    • I have more than one Personal Extra Number (PEN). Can I use different PENs for OneSim VoIP?

      If you have more than one OneSim VoIP enabled PEN you can switch between these PENs for the purpose of the OneSim VoIP account. This option is available in the My SIM Cards menu in your online account.
83. OneSim VoIP
    • Which phone number will be shown on the caller ID when I make a call using OneSim VoIP?

      Your active OneSim VoIP Personal Extra Number (PEN) will be shown on the caller ID.
84. OneSim VoIP
    • I can make calls through OneSim VoIP. However incoming calls are going through my roaming SIM. What's wrong?

      If your incoming calls are not being routed through the OneSim VoIP app then you are either not connected to Wi-Fi or the OneSim VoIP app is not active.

      Please make sure to check your phone's sleep settings, as they are usually preset to have Wi-Fi turn off when the phone enters sleep mode. To prevent this and to keep OneSim VoIP active for incoming calls, find the settings in your phone and set it so Wi-Fi does not turn off when the phone enters sleep mode.

      Note: if the OneSim VoIP logo on the top of your phone display is gray then you will not be able to receive calls through the application. When the logo is yellow that means you are connected and can receive calls through OneSim VoIP.
85. OneSim VoIP
    • Can I use OneSim VoIP over the Internet Data offered by OneSimCard SIM? Will it save me anything?

      In countries where the cost of using mobile Internet Data is below 20 c/MB, the cost of using SIM VoIP over the data is comparable or less than the actual calling rate from the country.

      As a rule of thumb, the SIM VoIP will use 1MB /Min of talk time. So, if the cost of Data in the country is 10 c/MB, then 1 minute SIM VoIP call will cost you 12 cents /minute. You need to have a 3G connection in order for SIM VoIP to work this way. 

86. OneSim VoIP
    • Is text messaging available on the OneSim VoIP App?

      OneSimCard SIM VoIP users with US and Canadian numbers may now send and receive text messages over the OneSim VoIP app on iPhone and Android. The cost to sending a message is $0.05 per text to most countries. Receiving message is $0.05.  


      OneSimCard SIM VoIP users with US and Canadian numbers may now send and receive text messages over the OneSim VoIP app on iPhone. The cost to send or receive each message is $0.05. 

87. How To Use Questions
    • Is there any way to remove the callback ring after I dial a number?

      The  eSIM World, eSIM Asiania, OneSimCard Europe & More and Universal SIM cards do not use the callback to make an outgoing call in over 70 countries.

      Currently, the mobile application to remove the callback on other SIM cards is not available.

88. Rates and Cost Questions
    • Are there any additional roaming charges?

      There are NO additional roaming charges. The rates you see listed on our Rates & Coverage page are the only rates you will be charged when making or receiving calls on your OneSimCard enabled cell phone. This is true for using regular cellular voice or 1SIM VoIP App.
89. eSIM
    • Can eSIM be used for Data, Calls and Texts?

      Yes, as of March 3rd, 2020, OneSimCard eSIM can be used for Mobile Data, Voice and Texts. However, you can still use the OneSim VOIP app option with a Personal Extra Number (PEN) for additional savings on calling and texting


      For DataMax eSIMs, only Data is available. However, you can use our OneSim VoIP app for cost effective voice and SMS communication.

90. OneSim VoIP
    • Does voicemail work with OneSim VoIP?

      Yes. If you are not available to answer the OneSim VoIP call or if the OneSim VoIP app is turned off, the call will be routed through our standard roaming network. If the call is not answered it will be sent to your OneSimCard voicemail box. 

      NOTE: Voicemail is not available for DataMax or DataMax eSIM cards with OneSim VoIP.

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